This property is a field located in Episkopi. It is located 1.2km from the village centre and 2.5km from Minthis Golf Club in Tsada. The asset has an area of 8,315 sqm. It benefits from a road frontage of 135m and has a registered road access. It is covered by electricity supply and also has a registered well.
The Property is jointly owned by Gordian Holdings Limited (“Gordian”) and Takis Peratikos (“Joint Owner”). Gordian has been duly authorised by the Joint Owner of the Property to advertise the Property for sale. For the avoidance of doubt, Gordian is not a real estate agent and does not provide any real estate agent’s services nor does it operate as a legal or financial or other professional advisor. Further, no warranty is provided by Gordian with regards to the acceptance by the Joint Owner, of an offer for the purchase of the Property, nor any obligation is imposed on Gordian and/or the Joint Owner to respond to and/or consider and/or accept any offer for the purchase of the Property. The sale of the Property is subject to contract between Gordian and the Joint Owner of the Property as seller and the successful tenderer as buyer.